Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science
"Science," he says, "is the only way humankind has found of separating truth from fraud or mere foolishness; it's what we've learned about how not to fool ourselves."
With acerbic wit and humorous repartee, Robert L. Park, professor of physics at the University of Maryland, asks why we believe weird things even when no evidence supports our claims.
"Science," he writes, "is the only way of knowing--everything else is superstition. Everything in the universe is governed by the same natural laws; there is a physical cause behind every event."
A humanist and naturalist, Park asserts that science rejects appeal to authority in favor of empirical evidence. He attacks pseudoscience--from so-called "intelligent design" and young-Earth fundamentalism to New Age mysticism, homeopathic "remedies," and snake-oil "cures." |
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Book reviews
 | Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All
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Suckers reveals how alternative medicine can jeopardize the health of those it claims to treat, leaches resources from treatments of proven efficacy and is largely unaccountable and unregulated. In short, it is an industry that preys on human vulnerability and makes fools of us all.
Review by Steven Poole in The Guardian
 | The Cure Within A History of Mind-Body Medicine
by Anne Harrington
Reviewed by Dr. Jerome Groopman
In “The Cure Within,” her splendid history of mind-body medicine, Anne Harrington tries to explain why we draw connections between emotions and illness, and helps trace how today’s myriad alternative and complementary treatments came to be. A professor and chairman of the history of science department at Harvard, Harrington has produced a book that desperately needed to be written.
Canadian Quackery Watch - Hot Topics
Vegatest and Live Cell scams
To ask whether a machine can think is like
asking whether submarines can swim.
Our position is clear - It's BUNK!
Some licensed medical doctors are obviously deluded enough to believe that EDT machines can help their patients. It doesn't take much of an imagination to jump to the alternative medical camp to see what they think. Are they true-believers, or are they just plain and simply out for a buck. Jumbled together with a myriad of burned-out social workers, housewives, garage mechanics, vitamin pedlars, and their ilk some of these people are actually licensed health professionals. They can in some cases actually bill their publicly funded insurance programs for this quackery. In some jurisdictions, when they are not covered by your tax dollars, they bill private insurance companies to complete the fraud.
In some electronic design circles it has now become a game to design machines that are not "EDT machines" at all, but are classified as biofeedback devices in order to escape government regulations. I've seen some of them hooked up to a halo-like device that sits on your head and pumps out feedback to the computer screen to tell you if you are thinking properly. It all sounded so convincing coming from the guy who didn't speak a word of English, but you could tell from the Teutonic tones to his voice, that he really meant every word. These sophisticated (sometimes valued at tens of thousands of dollars), devices, sometimes almost Startrekkian, enables the quack doctors to pinpoint and test for various non-existant illnesses or allergies.
Of course the main idea is to pump you up with a skillfully contrived sales-pitch. They convince you with totally false information that this device will be able to get to the root of your problems, even of course if they are only buried deep inside your worried brain. Then, based on this useless information you now have to make a decision that might effect you for the rest of your life. In some cases, this advice could be deadly.
Believe it or not, some purveyors of these devices are just plain wackos. They really believe this junk. They are most likely to use the el-cheapo simple machines, the kind you can build yourself with about $25 worth of parts from Radio Shack. You can tell them because the device is nothing more than a small meter and you hold onto a copper rod. It then hums or whines a bit as you squeeze the rod, and they place various glass vials in the other hand. It makes a whining noise when they touch your fingers with a pencil like device that completes the circuit. Some of these simple devices have been used by a certain religious group that uses it for mind control. They convince their members that they know what you are thinking. It is all very frightening to me.
The majority of the more sophisticated machines are still being made by foreign electronics manufacturers, and marketed through catalogs and sales reps who serve the medical, chiropractic, homeopathic, and naturopathic professionals.
But what is really frightening, some of these companies sell to anyone with the money. I've seen a housewife demonstrate her B.E.S.T. computer aided device at a health fair that was sponsored by the local public school board. Of course this meeting was aimed at school teachers, not parents or children. She was just down the hall at the board's offices from a radionics quack, and across the room from an ear candler. That's how bad it is in some communities, the quacks have taken over the halls of education.
Their claims cannot of course be substantiated. My feeling is that the government health regulators are sick and tired of investigating them. The charges rarely shut the manufacturers down. They just change their brochures, or modify their presentations to please them. But that does nothing to stop their use as a medical device that is promoted with the express purpose of scamming people, including those who buy them.
Once the machines are in the hands of the quacks and licensed doctors, the government throws their hands up in most cases. It's then up to courts or the consumer fraud departments to step in. And that, my friends has almost never happened.
So, as the EDT lobby gets ready to take aim at me, it may be wise to discuss the situation with your insurance carrier. If you find that your health insurance carrier pays for EDT, then ask them why? Tell them that it is health fraud, and file complaints when you see advertisments for any of these devices. Good luck and beware.
Terry Polevoy, MD
Rife machine crooks
James Folsom convicted
- San Diego Rife vendor sentenced to 51 months in prison - News 10 San Diego
A federal judge sentenced James Folsom, 69, to four years and three months in prison for selling black box devices that promised miracles. The products were sold all over the Internet. Folsom was accused of selling more than 8,000 of the devices under the names of NatureTronics, BioSolutions, Energy Wellness and Global Wellness. Prosecutors said San Diegan James Folsom earned $8 million selling over 9,000 black boxes over the course of 11 years. The biofrequency devices were sold under the names Astropulse, Global Wellness and Nature Tronics.
- Dr. Stephen Barrett comments - This account is a must read!!!
- Naturetronics link still operating on Feb 11, 2010 - I am sure that there are many other sites that are still operating like this. The FDA has done almost nothing over the last 30 years to remove these devices from the market.
Spokane Valley MicroMed Research scams the public
Meagan Walsh's bogus health clinic under investigation - Bill Morlin - Staff writer
Inside a Spokane Valley clinic, a 76-year-old man fearlessly sticks out his finger to allow "Dr. Meagan" to draw a sample of his blood in a procedure that costs $125.
The patient apparently was unaware that the clinic, MicroMed Research, is under investigation for being an unlicensed blood laboratory by the Washington state
Department of Health.
He also apparently doesn't know that Walsh, who calls herself an "orthomolecular microbiologist" and a "certified microanalysis technician," obtained doctoral and
undergraduate degrees from Columbia State University - described by authorities as an unaccredited "diploma mill." While Walsh's degrees may not be genuine, it's the state's blood lab laws that may shut down her "live cell analysis" business. A Department of Health investigation is examining whether Walsh is involved in the
unlicensed practice of health care.
She and her former husband, Hugh Smith, moved to North Carolina in about 1989 and worked as Christian counselors after leaving a Four Square church in North
Idaho where they both served as pastors. "I've been everywhere," Walsh said. "Now, I'm just trying to support myself."
- MicroMed Research home page
Meagan Walsh, Ph.D. and Clint Bone, EFT "have helped many" individuals to feel great again, significantly adding to the quality of their lives. So many people out there are suffering and unable to get relief through"ordinary methods. Orthomolecular"study involves the use of baseline nutraceuticals and other natural methods to help clients feel"their best.
[I guess being Christian doesn't give anyone the right to scam the public, does it?]
Washington State Attorney General Sues Electodermal Promoters
Seattle - September 29, 2003 -
Health Canada banned the importation of four Vegatest devices in January 2002. So did that stop anyone in Canada from using these bogus devices?
Letter to Ontario health regulators:
The CBC Disclosure show on January 29, 2002 revealed that Health Canada has issued a
recall of four types of Vegatest devices.
What is your response to this, and will your organization advise their
members to stop using these devices to diagnose and treat patients?
If naturopaths, chiropractors, and medical doctors who use these devices ignore the ban, what will your agency do?
There are hundreds of naturopaths, chiropractors and medical doctors who may be using Vegatest type machines who may have not seen the CBC show. I think it would be a public service to make a statement about it to reassure the public that their
licensed health practitioner will comply with the Health Canada order.
Thanks very much.
Terry Polevoy, MD
Medical doctors trust'em
- Divisional Court uphelds CPSO decision on Vegatest doctorJozef Krop argued the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario investigation into his use of a Vegatest machine was improper and the case against him involved a bias on the part of college members and an abuse of process. However, Ontario Divisional Court in Toronto dismissed his claims and found no fault with either the investigation carried out by the CPSO or the decision of the disciplinary committee.
- Jozef Krop - Toronto, Ontario - CPSO tells it like this.
Regarding his use of the "Vega Machine", the Committee found "....that there is no scientifically-valid evidence to justify the use of the Vega electro
diagnostic apparatus, or any other similar machine, as either a screening or a diagnostic tool. All the experts called by the College agreed on this;
none of the experts called by the defence maintained that such evidence existed." (It was claimed by Dr. Krop that the Vega machine - one
electrode of which was held by a patient while the other electrode was applied to the patient's toe - assisted him in arriving at diagnoses).
- CMAJ articles on Vega machines and Dr. Krop
Isn't it interesting that they said this in 1999, after Krop had published a short study that had many negative reviews, including one recent one in the BMJ.
- Vega testing in the diagnosis of allergic conditions - Medical Journal of Australia
Vega testing is an unorthodox method of diagnosing allergic and other diseases. It has no
established scientific basis and there are no controlled trials to support its usefulness. Vega testing may lead to
inappropriate treatment and expense to the patient and community.
- Electrodermal testing for allergies is unreliable
Electrodermal testing measures electric impedance on an acupuncture point and is a common form of unconventional testing for allergies. In a double blind,
randomised block design study, Lewith et al (p 131) evaluated how it compared with conventional skin prick testing in 30 volunteers. Half of them had
reacted positively to a previous skin prick test for allergy to cat dander or house dust mite. The results of more than 1500 separate allergy tests showed that
electrodermal testing does not correlate with skin prick testing and so should not be used to diagnose these allergies.
- Studies of electrodermal testing
Several studies have considered electrodermal testing as a means of evaluating "allergy" but these have been
scientifically inadequate.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Tsuei et al[1] compared the use of the Dermatron with RAST and
provocative intradermal skin testing for food intolerance and reported that electrodermal testing showed the best
correlation with blind diagnostic food challenge. Fuller Royal et al and Fox stated that this method is rapid,
"accurate," and as "effective" as any other for defining food intolerance, but again these conclusions are based on
unblinded and descriptive studies.[2] [3] A double blind study comparing the results of IgE antibody levels for a
variety of pollens and moulds with electrodermal testing for the same allergens in 20 patients demonstrated a 73%
correlation between the two methods of testing.[4] Krop et al compared provocative intradermal testing with the Vegatest in order to identify sensitivities to
foods, chemicals, and inhalants and found a significant correlation between the two[5]; however, comparing two unconventional techniques for diagnosing
allergy is fraught with difficulties.
A further study by Krop et al evaluated electrodermal testing in two groups of patients using double blind methodology designed to test whether electrodermal
testing could differentiate between histamine and house dust mite and water and saline in patients who had a positive result to a skin prick test for house dust
mite.[6] Initially, 41 patients were electrodermally tested; and "blind" testers using identical, coded test ampoules were able to discriminate between allergen
and non-allergen in 82% of the cases. A subsequent study of 24 patients, using the same double blind, randomised methodology, showed that blind testers
could discriminate 96% of the time between allergic and non-allergic substances.[6] Katelaris has published a critical report on the use of the Vegatest for
diagnosing food intolerance and concludes that the Vegatest is a pseudoscientific clinical tool that is of no diagnostic value.[7] In the case of IgE dependent
allergic responses, there is a clearly understood mechanism whereby mast cells and basophils release proinflammatory mediators in response to allergen
exposure.[8] It is difficult to connect this known pathophysiological mechanism with any theory that embraces a change in whole body electrical conductivity.
- Tsuei J and Madill P. A food allergy study using the EAV acupuncture technique. Am J Acupunct 1984;12:105-16.
- Fuller Royal F, Fuller Royal D. Scientific support for electrodiagnosis. Br Homoeopathic J 1991;18:166-78.
- Fox A. Determination of neutralisation point for allergic hypersensitivity. Br Homoeopathic J 1987;76:230-4.
- Ali M. Correlation of IgE antibodies with specificity for pollen and mould allergy changes in electrodermal skin responses following exposure to
allergens. Am J Clin Pathol 1989;91:357-9.
- Krop J, Swiesczek J, Wood A. Comparison of ecological testing with the Vegatest method in identifying sensitivities to chemicals, foods and
inhalants. Am J Acupunct 1985;13:253-9.
- Krop J, Lewith, G, Gziut W, Radulescu C. A double-blind, randomised, controlled investigation of electrodermal testing in the diagnosis of allergies.
- J Altern Complement Med 1997;3:241-8.
Katelaris CH. Vegatesting the diagnosis of allergic conditions. Med J Aust 1991;155:113-4.
- Holgate ST, Robinson C, Church MK. Mediators of immediate hypersensitivity. In: Middleton E, Reed CE, Ellis EF, eds. Allergy, principles and
practice. Vol 1. St Louis: Mosby, 1993: 267-301.
EDT practitioners & sources
- Directory of Electodermal Screening practitioners
- Skeptical look at EDT
- National Integrated Health Associates - Washington, DC
I couldn't help but noticing that some of these people graduated from correspondence schools, including one who has the same ND certificate that Hulda Clark does. Another one obtained one of their degrees from Columbia Pacific. And the bogus mailorder diplomas are just the tip of the iceberg. Who says it's difficult to get a license to practice naturopathy in Washington, D.C.?
- Country Hills Naturopathic - Calgary, Alberta
- Lorne Swetlikoff - President of the College of Naturopathic Physicians - B.C.
"The Vega Machine is a tool used in bio-energetic-medicine. Its basis is the concept that the first sign of abnormality in the body is a an energetic or electrical charge change in a cells or organ tissues. If these abnormal electrical charges are permitted to continue, a structural changes will occur creating a condition for disease and degeneration to occur." [So, tell us Lorne, what are those conditions, and let's see the structural changes that the Vega machine identifies, and let's then see how you help to reverse those changes. I'm sorry but there must be something swirling around out there that does make sense, but EDT is not one of them.]
- Ingrid Pincott - Campbell River, B.C.
"There was a warning about the Vega Machine issued in January of this year due to the unethical actions of a Chiropractor in Quebec. It is unfortunate in journalism that ethical behavior is not dissociated from the medical equipment which has been in use professionally for over two decades now in the science of electrodermal testing." [Unfortunately for the public, this naturopath just doesn't understand that EDT is bogus and always has been]
- Campbell River, B.C., Canada V9W 6T9,
Dr. Ingrid Pincott,
428 Quadra Avenue, Phone: 250-286-3655 or
800-898-6699; Fax: 250-850-2078; ipincott@island.net
- Vancouver,
B.C., Canada - Dr.Jim Chan -
Online Naturopathic Clinic, Uses Computerized Bioenergetic Testing
- Vancouver,
B.C., Canada - Integrative
Healing Arts, Offers testing with "The Vega Test Method"
- White Rock, B.C., Canada -
White Rock Acupuncture and Natural Health
Clinic; Dr. Gundrun Tonskamper, N.D.;#304 Đ
1493 Johnston Road, White Rock, BC, V4B 3Z4 Phone: 604-536-1400
E-mail: gudrun@naturalhealthclinic.ca
- Carman,
Manitoba, Canada -
The Prairie Health Center - Uses the Listen
System. [This clinic is operated by William John Hewett who is a chiropractor. The EDT or EDS system that he uses has absolutely not been proved, and in my opinion is one of the worst kinds of scams. Dr. Hewett also sells Herbalife nutritional supplements through his practice. You buy from him and he asks you if you want to sell them, too. If you do, then he gets a piece of the action for your efforts. It's an MLM company with many disgruntled distributors and a questionable history over the years.]
- Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada - The
Wellness Pharmacia, Uses "The
Vega-Test Expert". "The Vega-Test Expert is a safe, accurate, and
proven technique that surpasses the limitations of conventional biochemical
testing." [Unfortunately, none of this is true. There is no such thing as a Vega-Test expert. Those who believe that they are experts are fools, and those who go to practitioners who use EDT are fools, too. The site was launched by ROBERT ROSENBLATT - HERBOLOGIST/PHARMACIST who was at one time registered registered in both B.C. and Manitoba. He also sold ULTRAFORCE MAGNETS, which we all know are useless for medical treatments. He surrendered his registration in Manitoba in November 2000.
- Kitchener,
Ontario, Canada - Basic Bulk
& Natural Foods, Uses the Omega Acubase system for "allergy
testing". "Computerized Electrodermal Screening represents a
major breakthrough in providing modern preventive health-care and providing
problem identification to the general public at reasonable cost." [Unfortunately, the people who operate this store are not medical, naturopathic, or chiropractic professionals.]
- Windsor,
Ontario, Canada - The
Naturopathic Medicine Health and Wellness Clinic -
Naturopathic Doctor Reiner Grabreck, N.D Uses "Electro-acupuncture
according to Voll".
Ontario, Canada - Natural Health Clinic & Teaching Centre, 360
Westlake, London, ON N5Z 3A4, (519) 393-5095, E-mail:
carrich@quadro.net - [This is just about the most outrageous site I have ever seen. Some of the people on this site have paid for training in a totally unregulated profession called the PHCP - Preventive Health Care Practitioner. This designation is totally bogus and anyone who flashes these credentials should be avoided like the plague]
- Marie, Ontario,
Canada - Sheila's
Health Spa, Uses "electrodermal
screening". "This computerized program reads the function of
the organs and glands in the body."
- Oakville,
Ontario, Canada - Westside Natural Health Clinic, Brian
Bonter - Allergy Specialist offers "EAV"
with the Listen System,
- Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada - NAET
Clinic of Ottawa,
- St. Catharines,
Ontario, Canada - The
Naturomedic Clinic, Offers "Acubase
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada - The
Kulhay Wellness Clinic and Educational Centre, 72 St. Clair Avenue West,
Toronto, ON, Canada M4V 1M7; (416) 961-1900 - tel; k.kulhay@sympatico.ca;
Canada's #1 Integrative Wellness and Medical Health Care Centre
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada -
Dr. Norman Allan - Lists "electrodermal
screening" as one of the modalities practiced at his clinic. He has a
unique theory to explain how it works: - [And he has also been featured on the ChiroWatch.com web site.]
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada -
Red Paw Data Services Ltd
checks for food and environmental sensitivities with a computerized
electro-dermal screening instrument called an "Interro."
Lists of specific food and environmental sensitivities are linked to the Services
Page. [So, what are Alice Korman's qualifications? Duh, I don't know, she says that she is "one of the most experienced E.D.S. operators in Ontario". Does that mean that she's been a quack for a long time? I don't know, but she treats ADHD children, does neurotransmitter testing, and more bogus therapies. She has the balls to put an application form on her site so that real health professionals might fill out and send her business. Here is her disclaimer - "We do not carry any responsibility for clients who do not consult a health care professional and start treatment solely based on the Interro results." What chutzpah, eh?]
Maria Gagliardi - she's got a Vega idea, and stiletto heels!
Below you will find the text of a pamphlet that Maria Gagliardi handed out at the Constellation Hotel in May at a presentation by a public relations firm that hawked unproved tests for food allergies. If you are surprised at the claims made for the Vega machine, you can file a complaint with the Advertising Standards Council, Health Canada, and the Chiropractic College of Ontario.Stephen Barrett, the Quackwatch chief has extensive experience with these devices, and has the following to say:
No such device can be legally marketed in the United States for diagnostic or treatment purposes. The FDA has
warned or prosecuted a few marketers and banned the importation of such devices into the United States. In 1985, for
example, it notified a distributor that Vegatest devices could not be marketed as a medical devices without FDA approval
(which they do not have)
We've got questions
- Who trained Gagliardi in the art of Vega testing?
- Does the College of Chiropractors approve of its use? It makes no sense, except to chiropractors.
- Electrodermal testing for allergies is bogus - BMJ - Jan. 21, 2001
Electrodermal testing measures electric impedance on an acupuncture point and is a common form of unconventional testing for
allergies. In a double blind, randomised block design study, Lewith et al (p 131) evaluated how it compared with conventional
skin prick testing in 30 volunteers. Half of them had reacted positively to a previous skin prick test for allergy to cat dander or
house dust mite. The results of more than 1500 separate allergy tests showed that electrodermal testing does not correlate with
skin prick testing and so should not be used to diagnose these allergies.
- Why does the Advertising Standards Authority in the U.K. consider these devices fraudulent? The ASA has just changed their web site, so if the links below are dead, just put in the word or concept into their search engine. I've found that their new site is full of bugs, so just be patient. Put in the name, and if it gives you an error, just locate it by using the Date or Name.
- Mrs. Cora Denton - Pharmacy - Jan. 2001
Mrs. Denton worked out of a pharmacy and claimed to represent the British Institute of Allergy and Environmental Therapy, BIAET. What Denton used was really a Vega machine, which we all know is a machine that makes people a lot of money. The Authority noted that the report stated
that the procedure had “no established scientific basis and there [were] no controlled trials to
support its usefulness.”
- Goldshield Healthcare Direct - May 2000
These friendly folks used another Vega type device, "Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV)". Hey, they said they got their information from the "owners manual", so there!!!! They targetted people with depression to try to get them hooked on their nonsense machines. "It's all in your allergies, and we've got the ticket, eh?"
- Allergy Testing Service - May 1999
These folks offered the bogus BICOM - Bio Resonance Therapy (BRT) test, which allegedly measured and replicated the
patient's body's electro-magnetic oscillations. These miracle workers claimed they could treat serious health problems. The advertisers failed miserably to do anything to prove their claims.
- Body Check Health - Feb 1999The LISTEN System was found wanting. The Authority concluded that the system could not diagnose allergies and that Body Check Health had not done any scientific trials scientific trials for food allergies or intolerances.
- Does the Vega machine contravene section 14 of clause 51.1 (c) of the Health Professionals Procedural Code where it states:
- Providing a diagnostic or therapeutic service that is not necessary.
- Does Gagliardi stretch the advertising code in her brochures and presentations?:
- The chiropractor shall be responsible for the accuracy, content and use of advertising materials
- Any advertising with respect to a member's practice must not contain:
1. Anything false or misleading
It is only right that an advertisement contain nothing false or misleading as this would
undermine public trust in the profession and could also result in a complaint being lodged
by a colleague or member of the public against the advertiser. This is a serious matter.
2. Anything that, because of its nature, cannot be verified
Information contained in an advertisement must be supportable by legitimate or
recognized references.
- Are the claims made for the Vega machine grounds for professional misconduct?
...if a member of the public or a colleague considers
information in an advertisement misleading or fraudulent.
People experiencing health problems are particularly vulnerable to exaggerated claims;
gimmickry enhances neither the practitioner nor the profession. There is no asset
comparable to an honourable reputation.
- Does she belong to the International Academy of Bionetic Practitioners?
- Could someone die because they believed the results given to them by a practitioner who uses electrodermal devices?
- Does Gagliardi realize that the use of a Vega machine could be grounds for professional misconduct and could potentially injure children and mislead parents?
- What in the world does she actually tell her patients about the Vega machine?
- Has she read this web site about food allergies?
- Does she refer any of her patients who suffer from MS, (multiple sclerosis), to a dentist to remove their amalgams?
- At the presentation, Gagliardi said that those with chronic conditions did not seem to be convinced by the Vega test. It seemed they REALLY liked the readout from a BLOOD test that finally confirmed that they WERE sick and told them what was wrong, things their doctor couldn't find (she stressed the words).
- Perhaps Gagliardi may know of another Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College graduate named Katrina Kulhay who also hawks the York laboratory allergy stuff and just loves to talk about it at her information sessions and on the radio.
- Well, I'll be damned. Aetna insurance refuses to pay for the IgG allergy test. Why would they do that? Who pays these Ontario chiropractors for this quackery? If insurance companies like Aetna pay them up here in Canada, they are being ripped off. If the patient pays it, they are being defrauded.
How Can It Help You?
The VEGA TEST is an
electromagnetic test which
analyses and identifies your
body's intollerated foods which
in turn create biochemical
This is not an allergy test and
does not require blood analysis
Personalized identification of
foods to which you are
Elimination of the identified
foods for a period of 3-4 weeks
Nutritional counselling and
diet presription.
Reintegration of intollerated
foods using a rotational
Excess Weight
Joint pain
Muscle Cramps
Muscle Weakness
Muscle Hypersensitivity
Dry Skin
Frequent Colds
Poor Memory
Loose excess weight
Maximize your fitness potential
Listen to your body
Improve your vitality
Improve your mental and emotional well-being
Improve your digestion and absorption of foods
Add to the treatment of muscular, skeletal and nervous dysfunction
The R.C.M.P. Sasquatch says that this machine will cure cancer...NOT!
What Sgt. Preston fails to see couldn't fool a blind, deaf, and dumb Sasquatch.
- Why does the Canadian government ignore those Canadian-based operators and scam artists who promote and sell quack medical devices?
- What about those medical doctors, chiropractors and licensed naturopaths who use those devices to defraud patients?
Are you concerned about medical quackery?
Canadian Skeptics and Health Fraud supporters are mutually concerned that medical quackery is ignored by the governments in Ottawa and by Provincial health and consumer regulators.
Thanks to the wonderful network that HealthWatcher has established, we are regularly updated about quack events, advertising and promotions on the internet by quacks. As a result, we send formal complaints to Health Canada and the Competition Bureau.
We invite those of you who tune into our HealthWatcher.net to let us know if there are health scams in your community. Without citizen complaints, and support for what we do, it is unlikely that any government will pay attention. We are supported with your thoughts and actions.
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center comments on bioresonance Rx.
A randomized, double-blind trial of bioresonance in treatment of atopic dermatitis in children showed no efficacy. Clinical trials evaluating electrodermal testing show no reliability in diagnosing allergies. No clinical trials evaluate bioresonance therapy for use in cancer, likely due to its spurious scientific basis. The American Cancer Society advises patients not to seek treatment with unproved electronic devices. <[>
Devices may include Dermatron, Accupath 1000, Vega, Interro, Hubbard E-Meter, Electro-Acuscope 80, Qi Gong Machine.
- Rife Plasma home page
- Rife Machine Operator Sued -
The Attorneys General of Wisconsin and Minnesota have sued to stop an
unlicensed woman, Shelvie Rettmann, of Prior Lake, Minnesota, from
representing that she can cure cancer.
- www.quackwatch.com/04ConsumerEducation/News/rife.html
This is an excellent critique of the Rife machine.
- www.fastbk.com/rife/res1.htm
The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices explores a chiropractor
from Indiana who hawked radionics machines.
Believe it or not, this type of device was being sold at the Waterloo
County Board of Eduation executive offices a year ago as part of an
annual Health Fair organized by the senior executives of the public
school board in our area.
- www.mtn.org/~quack/amquacks/crum.htm">
This is a page from our site that covers many Canadian based quack
sites. As far as I know all of them are still in business and are
selling their quack stuff.
- www.healthwatcher.net/Quackerywatch/Live-cell-microscopy/livecellmicroscopy.html
This Canadian promotion by James Bare, an American chiropractor and others, is an attempt to introduce another generation of scammers to the fold of quackery at the expense of Canadian consumers.
When is the government of Canada going to put a stop to medical
quackery and the promotion of quack devices?
We demand action to keep these people out of Canada once and for all, and we demand that the government of Canada crackdown on cancer quackery.
Sixth Annual International Rife Technology
Conference - Seattle - September 26 - 28, 2003
Hulda Clark showed up according to organizers, yet her associates were under Federal Court Order to stop making false claims as of September 24, 2003.
They failed to respond to my e-mail if the Zappers and Syncrometers were at the event.
Anyone having original Royal Rife: devices, notes, letters or
memorabilia who will make these items available for display
please drop a line to:
Lyle Havig - 7503 - 40 Ave.
Edmonton, AB., Canada
T6K 0W8
Phone: 1-888-736-0028
Email: rife@rifeconference.com
Bill Carveth: 8118 Rowland Road
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T6A 3W8
Conference home page
Rife Resources
- Women's issues page pointing to James Bare radio show from Jeff Rense on April 2. This 2 hour RealPlayer broadcast will keep you at the edge of your seats. Don't forget to set your tape recorder, and remember when Don Tunney's name gets mentioned, he's Canadian. We can all cheer!!
- James Rense's www.sightings.com Royal Rife Link
Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research-- that you have discovered an
incredibly simple, electronic approach to curing literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses and bacteria . Indeed, it is a
discovery that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world
would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn't you?
- - the brains behind the Rife Seminar in Canada
- devices
Report Vegatest Services
If any health professional in Canada is still using a Vegatest devices to diagnose or treat patients, they are in violation of Health Canada's lastest ban on the machines.
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