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Yohimbine warning - another Strauss product in troubleApril 10, 2006
Vitamind - or out of their minds?
Strauss and son face the music
Have you been injured by
Federal government won't help you get even. In fact they don't care if
you want to poison yourself. Their policy of keeping their hands-off
the herbal and natural food industry in this country is one of the
biggest disappointments to public health I have ever seen. |
Jim Strauss in critical conditionThis section was originally posted in May 2002, right after Jim Strauss was rushed to the hospital with an aortic aneurysm.BULLETIN - MAY 24, 2002 - CHML's favourite guest is in critical condition in the sixth floor north of the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, British Columbia. His distributors are preparing for the worst. If Strauss doesn't make it, what will they tell the public? Perhaps his listeners can send him flowers or something like that. Kamloops, BC V2G 2T1 Tel: (250) 374-5111 Fax: (250) 372-0330 Strauss apparently has an IV connected to his neck, and apparently does not look well at all. He has an aneurysm, and according to Mosby's Medical Dictionary it's "a localized dilation of the wall of a blood vessel. It is usually caused by atherosclerosis and hypertension, or less frequently by trauma, infection or a congenital weakness in the vessel wall". His heart drops as advertised on CHML were designed by him to "unclog arteries". If his condition was caused by atherosclerosis, (clogging of the arteries with plaque), then it would appear his product failed him. In over 20 years of making the stuff, he never disclosed the true formula. He claimed that it was a family secret. But, whatever it was or is, it obviously did not prevent him from getting an aneurysm. Strauss is 79, DOB is October 31, 1922. I think it's about time that Larry Silver at CHML hangs up his warm up jacket for what may be the final inning in a losing ballgame. It seems that the Strauss team is about to be without a skipper. I think CHML should seize the moment, and go to its bullpen and hand the microphone and headset to Wayne Elliott of the PC Natural Health company from Pt. Colbourne. Let's see him explain to all those people that he has been educating over the last year, why the Strauss Herbal products didn't work for the inventor himself. It's about time that paid programming be announced on the air, and why not invite Jim Strauss to call in from his hospital bed for some really good community reporting. On May 24, 2002, I received a rebuttal to a complaint I filed with the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council about the Strauss broadcasts. Bob Sherwin, who is the latest CHML program director stated that anyone who appears on their show is "merely voicing their opinions and not doing anything in contravention of the law." Where have the people at Corus radio network been hiding out? Are there deep underground caves without access to the internet in Hamilton? Don't they know when someone is not telling the truth about a particular product? Common sense is something they left in the wood shed back home. Have they not spoken with Health Canada about Strauss? Have they not read his written attacks on our government regulators? Mr. Sherwin is hiding his head in the sand. It is obvious to me that CHML has to know what is going on. He said he didn't have enough information to go on. Well, I suggest that he read this web site for a start. In particular, I think he should read the transcripts below. There are many more where they come from, but then again, he's running a business, and perhaps he doesn't have time to face up to his responsibilities as program director. Perhaps he would do his community a big service and educate himself about dangerous herbs, of false advertising, and all the rest of the story. The details are all here, he just has to take a peak, and open his eyes.
Terry Polevoy, MD Who cares about clinical studies anyway?DATE: October 4, 2001
Radio station CHML - AM-900 in Hamilton, Ontario began the promotion of their show called "Ask the Experts", a Saturday afternoon spot, usually reserved for hucksters and wise men/women who have something to sell. It doesn't take an expert to see that snake-oil usually floats to the top. And "Ask the Experts" is a prime example of Canadian-based health fraud artists to ply their trade. When I originally heard their promotions throughout the day, I called toll-free phone numbers, and listened to the sales pitch from the hucksters in Port Colborne, home of PC Natural Health Company. The operator really made my day. I know she didn't know who I was, and why I was really calling. After what she said, and what I know about Strauss Heart Drops claims, it rekindled my interest in the company. Health Canada, and other regulators in British Columbia should have taken firm action against this company years ago. Instead they buckled under and let them scam the world with wild claims and products supported by testimonials. It makes a mockery of the natural health products industry, its regulators (yeah right), and Health Canada. CHML must recognize the fact that their broadcast license might be in jeopardy because of their support and promotion for products like this. I guess they don't care. The bottom line are profits. According to an article from the Vancouver Courier in June 2001, Health Canada says that they are investigating Strauss. Advertising department needs to wise up says a letter to the editor about Strauss Heart Drops - June 25, 2001 - Vancouver Courier.
Google groups lively discussion raises many issues
Strauss Heart Drops fail the test --- Reality!!There is absolutely no evidence that this product made by Jim Strauss and his company in British Columbia does what they say. In fact this is blatant consumer fraud. So far no level of government has taken action to remove their products from the market.Does Phil Waddington, who is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, and who is the new head of the latest incarnation of the Natural Health Products Directorate have anything to say about this, or any other herbal health scam? You bet he doesn't!! While many of us are still waiting for Phil to say something to the Canadian public about why he does nothing to control rampant consumer health fraud in the health food industry, Phil puts on his other jacket, and speaks to the Canadian Health Food Association at one of their meetings. But, the NHPD did publish their Proposed Regulatory Framework on September 21, 2001. I don't believe that there is anyone who really believes that the publication of this work will change a thing. While associations and media agencies ignore health product regulation, Health Canada would seem to be doing the same in regards to products like these. The FDA in the U.S. has very harsh criticism of the Strauss Heart Drops. Larry Silver, CHML radio personality in Hamilton, Ontario will be schlepping for these people on Saturday, October 6, 2001 in his "Ask the Experts" infomercial show. This is not news, or information, it is part of a misinformation campaign. It is very typical of CHML's paid presentations that market quack remedies, and bogus treatments to the public on a regular basis. www.900chml.com - the infomercial was broadcast from 1:06 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EDT on CHML AM-900 in Hamilton. The show was repeated on Saturday, October 20, with new callers, and same old format. I suggest that CHML cancel the show because their station's signal reaches U.S. listeners. The FDA has attempted to stop these people from marketing this stuff in the U.S. It is wrong for a Canadian based radio station to help market these and other bogus products to the public. Here is a list of specific sites that might be of interest to those who are in a position to assist the public:
Needless to say, I think that Larry Silver and the other folks at CHML will have no trouble at all finding some of their advertizers on this site. Heart Monday with Don Wiskin - Susan Cameron-Block radio show This article describes what happened when Strauss went to court in British Columbia.
Notorious cancer quack Hulda Clark featured the Strauss case on her web page. We don't know why it was dismissed in B.C. and why Health Canada has failed to take action. I called the toll free number that CHML provided on their promotional spot that I heard today today, October 3, 2001 - 888-937-3382 I spoke to someone named Debbie who told me that the Strauss Heart Drops unclogged blocked arteries. Why does Health Canada ignore the fact that even though the FDA has serious complaints about this company, they have so far done nothing. Why does this company continue to market their products on the internet, and at health food shows?
Why haven't the folks in the new Natural Health Products Directorate taken action.
Are they too busy taking French lessons? Herbalinks a poppin'
Pay attention to their links, particularly the testimonials, the FAQs etc.
BTW - I didn't see any disclaimers on this web site. Real Herbal News
In conclusion:
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