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Petrolia Magnetic busted by Health CanadaHealthWatcher is proud to announce that Petrolia Magnetic's supply of Silver Water has been destroyed by Health Canada. They are prohibited from importing or marketing any of this product. Our original complaint on August 21, 2000 was acted upon swiftly by the staff at Health Canada in Scarborough. We commend the efforts made to keep these chemical mixtures out of the hands of charlatans and purveyors of quackery. All Canadians should be wary of anyone promising to cure illnesses with any product, especially colloidal products. |
![]() Silver Water
Questionable Advertisement
Television advertisement for a group of products called Silver
Water The company is: Petrolia Magnetic Health Care Ltd. 4492 Progress Drive, P.O. Box 809, Petrolia, Ontario, Canada. N0N 1R0 PH: (519) 882-1922 FAX: (519) 882-4369 1-877-882-1922
PMH site and their claims:www.internet-kent.com/Healthyou/PetroliaMagnetic.htm#Silver
Colloidal Silver is the only natural antibiotic known that kills all types of viruses, fungus and bacteria. And it is the only antibiotic known to be perfectly harmless to all parts of the body, without killing the friendly bacteria. While the kidneys and liver are harmed by other antibiotics, Colloidal Silver promotes healing by killing the parasites. Within a short time it clears them out of the body, via the lymphatic and eliminatory systems. Colloidal Silver actually promotes healing with less scar tissue, ---where other antibiotics leave scar tissue. This miracle old remedy appears to protect the body's natural enzymes and stimulate new growth of damaged tissues. It is totally non-toxic to humans and animals, tasteless and odorless etc. Colloidal Silver can be used orally, rectally, vaginally, and topically wherever needed. Burn victims have been reported to heal in half the time without pain and scars by using the Silver Water and Silver Gel now available. We have so many more great things to say about this miracle water and the results are outstanding. We ship these products all over Canada and USA. This is the only silver water that I know of that is made in harmony with our earth's atmosphere, and this is the reason why it works so well. It reaches our cellular level in the body and the healing is incredibly fast. There is no accumulation in the body whatsoever which allows you to drink the desire needed for the situation that arises." Basis of ComplaintThere are so many errors on Petrolia Magnetic Health (PMH) web site that it might be considered fraudulent. They make health claims for something that is not registered with Health Canada. It is not a food. It is potentially toxic.This is quite an amazing company that has been busy marketing unproved remedies around the country for years. They have close ties with health quacks who go around to various hotels and meeting halls around the Province to see patients and sell them all sorts of useless and potentially dangerous treatments and products. Representatives who are associated with PMH have appeared on radio shows in Sarnia and London to promote their products. One of their associates has actually admitted that they "treated" clients who came to them with a particular disease. In my opinion, that treatment was similar to what a regulated health professional would perform. That person appeared on a radio show with several patients, in an attempt that I felt was clearly aimed to recruit new customers and clients for PMH products. Many of them had incurable diseases like MS, cancer, lupus, and diabetes. As far as I know, none of the employees or promoters who are associated with PMH hold any professional license. In other words, these people are pretending that their products, devices and methods can alleviate disease. I am very upset that CKCO would be air unproved and potentially dangerous remedies on their station. PMH markets what they call Silver Water, which according to their own web site is colloidal silver. It doesn't give the concentration anywhere on their web site. Colloidal silver is toxic and can cause argyria, a permanent discolouration of the skin that can last a lifetime. I think if you check with Health Canada, I don't think that they have been given the go ahead to market this stuff. The company does not compute when searching the Health Canada Drug Product Database: Neither the name of the product, or the company appears in the HPB database. The only "silver" products that are listed in that database that are ingestible are "homeopathic" remedies that may contain a molecule or two of silver. We were able to contact the company and they told us, "This molecular clustered silver water is 3 ppm sustained in deionized drinking water with a healing frequency. It is homeopathic and very beneficial for everything." That's really very interesting, because we don't see this registered even as a homeopathic product with Health Canada. Plus, their own site doesn't say it's homeopathic.
How do they make it?
In fact Health Canada has not approved any silver ion releasing devices to disinfect swimming pools or spas. Why would they approve of a silver ion releasing method for bottled water?:
Colloidal Silver is not listed in Health Canada's Therapeutic Compliance Guide on line either. It's not listed with the Office of Natural Health Products. But then again there's nothing useful on their website. What are they waiting for? Helpful links about colloidal silver and moreHealthwatcher.net site discusses one of Petrolia Magnetic Health promotions in the last year:The Wayne Rowland Show Health Care Reality Check's links to colloidal silver: Rosemary Jacobs web site about argyeria:
(b) Any OTC drug product containing colloidal silver ingredients or silver salts that is labeled, represented, or promoted for the treatment and/or prevention of any disease is regarded as a new drug within the meaning of section 201(p) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act) for which an approved application or abbreviated application under section 505 of the act and part 314 of this chapter is required for marketing. In the absence of an approved new drug application or abbreviated new drug application, such product is also misbranded under section 502 of the act. (c) Clinical investigations designed to obtain evidence that any drug product containing colloidal silver or silver salts labeled, represented, or promoted for any OTC drug use is safe and effective for the purpose intended must comply with the requirements and procedures governing the use of investigational new drugs as set forth in part 312 of this chapter. (d) After September 16, 1999, any such OTC drug product containing colloidal silver or silver salts initially introduced or initially delivered for introduction into interstate commerce that is not in compliance with this section is subject to regulatory action. [64 FR 44658, Aug. 17, 1999] Colloidal Silver Not Approved for Treating Animals Dean Elliott, Director, Division of Dairy Industry, 29 Admin. Bldg., 3125 Conner Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650, PH (904) 487-1450, FAX 922-9444