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In May 2000 the small community of Walkerton, Ontario was laid waste by a toxic strain of E. coli:0157. It didn't come from some Victoria Day barbecue, but from their own public water supply. |
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Quacks prey on E. coli fears
What do others think about Cass Ingram?Dr. Andrew Weil, the alt. medical guru, somehow doesn't seem to me to be very interested in Ingram's credentials, or his medical claims. Just read what Weil said about one of Ingram's books in 1998. Why didn't he update this review on his website and say that Ingram (Igram) has no valid osteopathic license in Illinois? Why didn't he say that Ingram is a walking infomercial, plain an simple.Did Weil actually verify what Ingram claimed? Was there any doubt in his mind?
Book reviews from Amazon.comA Waste of Money April 7, 2000 Reviewer: Virginia Hall from California Specifically (on page 7), this author claims that, "The only medicinal grade oregano spice and oil currently available is made by North American Herb and Spice Company. . ." The rest of the book contains extraordinary claims of this special oregano's efficacy against fungi, bacteria, viruses; everything from bad breath to warts! At the end there are lists of several other books and taped programs by this same author for sale. This 'book' is nothing but a printed infomercial. January 16, 1999 Reviewer: A reader from Colo. Spgs., CO
Lin's show is an almost carbon copy of the one produced by Christine McPhee, only she gets even bigger quacks on her show all the time. What's more, she keeps their interviews on her site for all to hear. He never mentions where he went to medical or osteopathic school, where he practiced, or how long he practiced. He says a friend brought him oil of oregano from some mysterious place in the ancient land of the bible, and the rest is history. Elin, the hostess of the show, says that Ingram is a medical researcher, an osteopathic physician and has written 12 books. Well, I wonder where she got that kind of information from? Under what name did he write those 12 books?
I did a search for "oregano" back to 1966 on Medline, and only found 29 articles in all languages.I didn't find a single article done by anyone named Ingram, or Igram on the subject.
She takes aim at the producer and radio regulators who allow this kind of crap radio to flourish in our country. Copies of this letter will be sent to the chief coroner of Ontario, Dr. James B. Young, and to the RCMP. We are asking that the government charge Cass Ingram for practicing medicine without a license and for defrauding the public. This flim-flam could be considered as much of a medical emergency as the epidemic itself.
A segment broadcast today on The Touch of Health featured a shameless "Dr." Cass Ingram blatantly using the current epidemic of E. coli and the resultant human tragedy in Walkerton for the sole purpose of promoting himself and his books. "Dr." Ingram's visit to that small Ontario town is an elaborate,offensive contrived public relations stunt. To have Christine McPhee use TALK 640 to support and indeed, to advance this self-serving travesty is morally reprehensible. "Dr." Ingram reports that the product that he is promoting through his publications, oil of oregano, is capable of killing bacteria in sewage water and improving the survival of a laboratory mouse infected with an unrelated organism. It has been said that every human malady has been cured in the murine model and Dr. Ingram does not fail to trot out his own rodent example. He is well aware that the information he gave has no bearing whatsoever on the status of bacterial infection in the human body. Unfortunately the citizens of Walkerton and your listeners are not aware of that fact. Numerous times during the interview it was implied that the disaster could have been avoided by the use of oil of oregano. Cruel, manipulative and totally false. The interview of the young woman who had lost her grandmother and a neighbour was prearranged, well rehearsed and a disgraceful display of the lack of respect and compassion for those personally affected by this tragedy. Her grief was exploited to hawk the product. I am offended and disgusted by "Dr." Ingram's carefully orchestrated marketing presentation. His avarice is appalling. I request that the station and Ms. McPhee be more accurate and socially responsible in future broadcasts.
Globe and Mail - June 2, 2000
This man claims to practice osteopathy and is from Illinois. In that State you have to be licensed by the government to make that claim. Osteopathic physicians are in the same category as medical doctors.
If Cass Ingram comes to Canada, sponsored by a less than perfect purveyor of snake-oil remedies, this is a slam dunk for charges to be layed that he is practicing medicine here without a license.
I'd like to see Dr. Oregano's disgarded waste sprinkled on top of a pizza and served to the press for their next tour to the front. The government of Ontario has to not only protect us from bad water, they have to protect us from charlatans and scam artists.
E. COLI BACTERIAL CLEANSE Colon Therapy treatments + natural intestinal/colon cleansing products to remove "bad bacteria" Experienced Certified Colon Therapist available. For appointments/further information please phone Mrs. Diane Sklar, CCH 519-884-9174 This person identifies herself as a registered nursing assistant, and they are supposed to be regulated in the Province of Ontario. She works with her husband in the upscale uptown Waterloo area, where he does massage therapy, and she cleans people's colons, top to bottom. For her to have the gall to use the E. coli epidemic as an excuse to sell her wares is another reason why this Province has fallen down in its duty to protect the public. Here are some references to anyone who is considering colon cleansing or enemas in order to rid themselves of those pesky E. coli critters, or anything else they might have hiding in their colons.
Food-borne E. coli outbreaks and recalls
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