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Available August 18th in the U.S.
Available May 27th in Canada
Trick or Treatment:
by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst
The ultimate verdict on alternative medicine.
Welcome to the world of alternative medicine. Prince Charles is a staunch defender and millions of people swear by it; most UK doctors consider it to be little more than superstition and a waste of money. But how do you know which treatments really heal and which are potentially harmful? Now at last you can find out, thanks to the formidable partnership of Professor Edzard Ernst and Simon Singh. Edzard Ernst is the world's first professor of complementary medicine, based at Exeter University, where he has spent over a decade analysing meticulously the evidence for and against alternative therapies. He is supported in his findings by Simon Singh, the well-known and highly respected science writer of several international bestsellers. Together they have written the definitive book on the subject. It is honest, impartial but hard-hitting, and provides a thorough examination and judgement of more than thirty of the most popular treatments, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, chiropractic and herbal medicine. In "Trick or Treatment?" the ultimate verdict on alternative medicine is delivered for the first time with clarity, scientific rigour and absolute authority.
Book reviews
 | Suckers: How Alternative Medicine Makes Fools of Us All
by Rose Shapiro
Suckers reveals how alternative medicine can jeopardize the health of those it claims to treat, leaches resources from treatments of proven efficacy and is largely unaccountable and unregulated. In short, it is an industry that preys on human vulnerability and makes fools of us all.
Review by Steven Poole in The Guardian
 | The Cure Within A History of Mind-Body Medicine
by Anne Harrington
Reviewed by Dr. Jerome Groopman
In “The Cure Within,” her splendid history of mind-body medicine, Anne Harrington tries to explain why we draw connections between emotions and illness, and helps trace how today’s myriad alternative and complementary treatments came to be. A professor and chairman of the history of science department at Harvard, Harrington has produced a book that desperately needed to be written.
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Canadian Quackery Watch - Hot Topics
Quack Devices
To ask whether a machine can think is like
asking whether a submarine can swim.
You expect licensed or regulated health professionals, like medical doctors, dentists, and chiropractors to practice their crafts with diligence, and honesty. You wouldn't expect them to walk around in stiletto heals, or wear silly hats in the office. Their discussions may sound incomprehensible to some patients because they are unable to communicate, or unwilling to change the way they talk to them. You don't expect them mumble incantations to a Nepalese mountain god, wave a pencil eraser over your brain casing, use thin plastic card (the equivalent of a magic wand), hook you up to electrical gizmos that go buzz-buzz or zap-zap while looking for your hidden parasites or cure you of all of your diseases.
If you expect all of this from your health care provider, then we've got them here to see. If you expect them from a local housewife or farmer who operates out of the back of a pickup truck, or in some swanky Yorkville spa, then you've come to the right place.
Report Quack Devices
If you want to report the use of any of these quack devices, here is your chance to help. Don't forget to provide all of the particulars. Save the ads, brochures and send them to us.